Anda memilih :
Natasha and Korakrit
‘Sing Dance Cry Breath | as their world collides on to the screen’ adalah pameran tunggal dari perupa kelahiran Thailand, Korakrit Arunanondchai.
Menampilkan beragam rangkaian praktik artistik sang perupa, mulai dari instalasi-instalasi videonya yang paling dikenal, lukisan, hingga instalasi khas tapaknya yang teranyar.
Tiket ini termasuk akses ke:
- Korakrit Arunanondchai: ‘Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen’
- Natasha Tontey: ‘Primate Visions: Macaque Macabre’ dikomisikan oleh Audemars Piguet Contemporary
- Ruang Seni Anak
Ikuti instruksi untuk membeli. Tiket Anda akan dikirimkan ke alamat email Anda dalam waktu 1 x 24 jam.
Hubungi kami di untuk pemesanan kelompok beranggotakan minimal 10 orang dengan harga khusus.
Jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan pesanan, silakan hubungi
21-22 Feb 25
JAZZDIMACAN (20% discount)
'Sing Dance Cry Breath | as their world collides on to the screen' is a solo exhibition by Thai-born artist Korakrit Arunanondchai. Featuring a diverse range of the artist's artistic practice, from his most recognized video installations, paintings, to his latest site-specific installations.
This ticket includes access to:
- Korakrit Arunanondchai: 'Sing Dance Cry Breathe | as their world collides on to the screen'
- Natasha Tontey: 'Primate Visions: Macaque Macabre' commissioned by Audemars Piguet Contemporary
- Children's Art Space
Follow the instructions to purchase.
Your tickets will be sent to your email address within 1 x 24 hours.
Contact us at for group bookings of at least 10 people at special rates.
If you experience any problems with your order, please contact
21-22 Feb 25
JAZZDIMACAN (20% discount)